
书集 ­­» 计算机 ­­» Data Science ­­»

Beautiful Visualization - Looking at Data Throught the Eyes of Experts.pdf
Big Data and Internet of Things - A Roadmap for Smart Environments.pdf
Big Data and the Internet of Things.pdf
Big Data Bootcamp - What Managers Need to Know to Profit from the Big Data Revolution.pdf
Big Data Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics.pdf
Building Bioinformatics Solutions with Perl, R, and SQL - 2nd Edition.pdf
Bursting the Big Data Bubble - The Case for Intuition-Based Decision Making.pdf
Business Forecasting 2nd Edition - A Practical Approach.pdf
Business Intelligence and Performance Management - Theory, Systems and Industrial Applications.pdf
Computational Business Analytics.pdf
Data Fluency - Empowering Your Organization with Effective Data Communication.pdf
Data Points - Visualization That Means Something.pdf
Design Thinking Business Analysis - Business Concept Mapping Applied.pdf
I Heart Logs Event Data, Stream Processing, and Data Integration.pdf
Mining Text Data.pdf
pandas - powerful Python data analysis toolkit.pdf
Power Query for Power BI and Excel - Boost Your Business Intelligence with Data from Any Source, Anytime.pdf
RapidMiner Data Mining Use Cases and Business Analytics Applications.pdf
Statistical Analysis with Excel for Dummies.pdf
The Art of Data Analysis - How to Answer Almost Any Question Using Basic Statistics.pdf
Visual Data Mining - The VisMiner Approach.pdf